In the IMAGE project we aim to support autistic university students to gain employment after graduation. Our focus has been on creating support material for skills development, self-advocacy and also gathering good support practice among universities and employers.
During World Autism Awareness Week (29 March – 4 April) we want to give you a first sneak peek of our project’s outputs. Everyday we present a short introduction and an extract of the upcoming material. We have created following items for different groups listed below:
- For autistic students and graduates: Employability toolkit
- For higher education professionals: Good Practice Guides for both academics and HE senior managers & policy makers
- For career advisors: Good Practice Guide and Training material
- For employers: Good Practice Guide
All materials have been created by using a participatory design methodology, involving the target groups in the conception and designing processes. The materials will be published later this year and are available freely online in five languages (Dutch, English, Finnish, French and German).