Today is World Autism Day and we’re celebrating it with a sneak preview of the IMAGE Employability Toolkit, one of the key outputs from our project. What is the toolkit? The Employability Toolkit is an online resource that helps autistic students and graduates better understand their career goals, develop employability skills and advocate effectively for…
Tag: autism awareness week

Day 4: Higher education managers as promoters for inclusion
We start April by introducing our last but not least Good Practice Guide. It’s designed for higher education managers to help them make their institution more inclusive. Introduction to Good Practice Guide for Higher Education Managers More and more higher education managers (i.e. people with a responsibility in the university organisation whether they be deans,…

Day 3: Autism-friendly careers advice – small changes, big impact
During Autism Awareness Week we want to give you a sample of the materials produced in the IMAGE project. Our third Good Practice Guide is designed for careers advisors. It gives you a basic background in autism and lots of tips and techniques to support autistic career-starters. Employment of autistic graduates Autistic students and graduates—like…

World Autism Awareness Week is coming! – Are you ready?
In the IMAGE project we aim to support autistic university students to gain employment after graduation. Our focus has been on creating support material for skills development, self-advocacy and also gathering good support practice among universities and employers. During World Autism Awareness Week (29 March – 4 April) we want to give you a first…